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miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

M.B.A. Scholarship

The Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University is pleased to announce the continuation this year of the Scholarship for the Americas, an MBA scholarship covering the full cost of an MBA education.

At the Fisher College of Business, you experience the best of both worlds; a small, flexible program within America’s largest research university --The Ohio State University. In addition, Fisher truly believes in diversity and has consistently recruited more than 30 percent of its MBA class from outside the U.S. As part of this culture, The Fisher College of Business is proud to announce the Scholarship for the Americas for students from Central and South America and the Caribbean .

The Scholarship for the Americas is merit based and offered to a candidate who demonstrates strong academic aptitude, a competitive GMAT test score, work experience, leadership potential, and desire for professional development.

The scholarship includes:

§ Full tuition waiver for the two-year MBA program

§ A generous monthly stipend to cover living expenses for the duration of study.

**The estimated value of the award is $99,000 US.

Who is Eligible? If you are from Central or South America, or the Caribbean, hold a four-year college degree, are looking to advance your career to the next level, and want to be part of The Ohio State University community, then YOU are eligible! The only requirement to be considered is to submit an application to the Fisher MBA program.

For More information visit

Alison Merzel

MBA Admissions Director

Fisher College of Business

David W. Smith
Executive Director
Graduate Programs Office
Fisher College of Business

The Ohio State University
2108 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1144
Phone: (614) 292-0887
Fax: (614) 292-9006